website design + pinterest marketing that gets clients knockin'

A How To: The Perfect Instagram Bio

Looking for the secret to master a solid Instagram bio? Let’s get to it!

First up, what’s the difference between a great bio and one that’s not going to do anything for you? First, optimizing your bio is going to get you more followers — and more taps through to your site! More engagement means more reach AND more conversions, and that equals more dollars in your jeans. 🎉

Since Instagram is our jam, we’re going to focus on mastering your IG bio. Let’s go!

  1. Your Name

The first thing we see when we look at your bio is your name. Not your business name. Not the name of the product you produce. Your actual name. You know, the one your parents gave you when you were born. Yeah, that one, we want to know THAT one!

The number one reason why? When you drop someone a DM and your first name isn’t the first thing we automatically see, it’s going to pop up with something weird like “Design Ninja” or “Organizer of Things” and we have to do a triple take to figure out who you are. 

If you know anything about social media, it’s that we, as collective Consumers of Content and potential clients, want to put in zero effort trying to figure out who we’re talking to.

One last thing: you want your name to be searchable. Always think about your SEO! Since your business name is already in your handle, you can put the stuff that people are actually searching for in the second half of your name. Something like: Doreen | Social Media Marketing + Website Design 😉

  1. Your Bio

Now let’s move on to your *actual* bio.. Get some keywords in here, ESPECIALLY on Pinterest! We need to know three things:

(1) what we get when we follow you;

(2) what we get when we purchase from you; and

(3) the first step you want us to take.

Don’t overcomplicate this! Just list them out, make sure it fits within the character count, and you’re good to go. 

(Pssst… don’t stress too much about getting it perfect, because you can change it in two weeks if it’s not working.)

  1. Your Links

Next up, links! Now listen, there are two kinds of business owners. The ones who cram EVERYTHING (plus an extra bag of chips for good measure), and the ones who keep it simple with one or two links. Please, PLEASE, for the love of all that is holy KEEP 👏 IT 👏 SIMPLE. 👏

If you have three or more links, you’ll start to see your click-through rate start to drop off. Link to your website (or a specific page on your website that you’re promoting), and a link to book with you. That’s it! That’s ALL! That’s enough!

The best part? Again, none of this has to be permanent. You have the option to switch out your links as you go through different promotional periods. Right now, Knap socials are all about our 360° brand assessments, which means that’s our link. But, chances are, by the time you read this it’s something different. 1000 percent okay.

Do we need a link to your link tree which then takes us to your website? Heck no. That’s more time we have to click around, and by the time we make it there (if we do) we’re probably not interested anymore. #SorryNotSorry! Let’s face it, things move fast in social media land and you need to make it as quick and convenient as possible to work with you and purchase from you.

  1. Testing!

Finally, how do you know if all of this is actually working? Check your insights! (Don’t worry, you don’t have to snooze through everything.) The two main things you’ll be looking for are your profile views and external link taps. Those percentages should grow when you change your bio. 

Of course there’s a lot that goes into it (if you’re not guiding people to your bio you’re going to get less clicks) but of the folks that are clicking to your bio, how many of them are taking the next step? That’s called a micro-conversion and that’s what we’re looking for!

Loving these ideas but need some personalized support & feedback? Purchase a 360° Brand Assessment and we’ll do a PERSONAL deep dive on your bio, content, conversions, and SEO! You’ll come away with simple action steps that’ll move the needle for your business. 💪

Looking for the secret to master a solid Instagram bio? Let’s get to it! First up, what’s the difference between a great bio and one that’s not going to do anything for you? First, optimizing your bio is going to get you more followers — and more taps through to your site! More engagement means […]

I'm Doreen, and I know what it's like to scour blogs for the answers to my (many, many) questions. Much like yourself, I'm a scrappy, curious business owner.

There are less stressful ways to get your service to the people that need it most, so I'm here to bring you the practical, down-to-earth marketing advice that you need. 

Every day, I work with a team that shares my passion for helping you connect with your perfect fit clients — and every day, YOU inspire the crap out of all of us. Thanks for being here!