website design + pinterest marketing that gets clients knockin'

Four Ways to Deliver an Impeccable Client Experience


Your client experience begins long before you actually work with someone new.

The second you land on their site or social media and have a first impression (which is literally milliseconds in), it’s begun.

People buy from those that they know, like, and trust. Consumers are savvier than they’ve ever been before – and at the end of the day, that’s the difference between your business making great money, and not making money at all!

Be Consistent.

The more consistently you show up, the more quickly your readers will learn to know, like, and trust you – and of course, transition into customers.

Whether your clients are finding you via social media or organic search, do a quick search of your brand and peek at it from an outsiders’ standpoint.

How would YOU perceive your brand from an online perspective? Is your visual brand cohesive across all of your social media platforms and your website?


This feels like it should be so stinking obvious, but it’s NOT.

From your perspective, it feels like your client would know what the next logical step is. But chances are, she doesn’t!

Let her know that you’ll be sending along a questionnaire once you’ve received the deposit. And once that’s complete, she’ll be receiving a checklist with everything she needs to prepare in advance of your project start date. Etc.

When it comes down to it, there’s no such thing as communicating too clearly.

Notice the details.

Your clients are going to drop little nuggets of information about themselves as they’re chatting with you. Take notice!

Jot them down in their file or on your phone. That way, you’ll remember that it’s their birthday this month, or that they’re a sucker for a chai latte. And that leads us right into…

Surprise and delight.

Great service should not be a surprise. It’s expected, and it better be delivered!

Going above and beyond is going to create a memorable experience that’ll get your clients talking. A handwritten note on their birthday or personalized email just to check in are incredibly thoughtful touches – and they’re so simple, really!

What can you do to elevate your client’s experience with you?

How can you keep in touch with them and make them feel like your relationship didn’t end right after the final invoice was paid?

The tiny details that go into providing a memorable experience for your clients are easy to overlook and tempting to brush off as unimportant. But those are the things that keep people talking about you, recommending you to their friends… and of course, coming back for more!


If you’re pushing your social media content to the bottom of your to-do list every day, let’s cut the BS. Every month, we create a guide with helpful tidbits about seasonal shifts, holidays, and stuff you should prepare for (that you might otherwise forget). We also share 3-ish post ideas per week that’ll get the wheels turning — juicy story ideas, easy-to-fill caption starters, and our best back pocket strategies every single month.


  Your client experience begins long before you actually work with someone new. The second you land on their site or social media and have a first impression (which is literally milliseconds in), it’s begun. People buy from those that they know, like, and trust. Consumers are savvier than they’ve ever been before – and […]

I'm Doreen, and I know what it's like to scour blogs for the answers to my (many, many) questions. Much like yourself, I'm a scrappy, curious business owner.

There are less stressful ways to get your service to the people that need it most, so I'm here to bring you the practical, down-to-earth marketing advice that you need. 

Every day, I work with a team that shares my passion for helping you connect with your perfect fit clients — and every day, YOU inspire the crap out of all of us. Thanks for being here!