
website design + pinterest marketing that gets clients knockin'

How to Craft a Cohesive Brand (Even if You’re Interested in a Million Things)

As a creative entrepreneur, it is SO EASY to get sucked into the vortex of more, more, more things that you can do… and that often translates to shiny object syndrome, comparison, and lack of focus.


Here are three steps to help you stay focused on one idea, one product, one service, for long enough to see if you can actually get any traction on it.

  1. Focus on the next 90 days – don’t worry too much about what’s going to happen after that.
  2. Create a plan! What are your top 2-3 goals for the next quarter? What are the action steps that you need to take in order to get there? Don’t just jot them down in a notebook – SCHEDULE THEM INTO YOUR CALENDAR. This is a total game changer!
  3. Designate a notebook or digital space for new ideas. Every time you feel compelled to change your focus or hop onto the next big thing, jot it down there. It is incredibly simple, but this will help you resist sooo many temptations to try something new just because it sounds like fun. It’ll happen! (In time!)

Okay? Okay!

Let’s say that you have two somewhat successful offerings that appeal to different audiences… and you don’t want to let either of them go. (It’s more common than you think – and totally okay!)

Ready to get out of the fog and move ahead with a clear, purposeful brand? Here’s how!

  1. Don’t worry about looking for a common thread in all of the things that you do. You can get into a real spin about how to connect your knitting projects with letterpress and coffee roasting and styling services! The common thread is already there – it’s YOU! Create a brand around your person.
  2. But, narrow it down a little bit. Dig deep… what is it that you really, really love about the work that you do? Is it creating something tactile out of an idea in your brain? Is it putting a little sunshine in someone’s day? Spend some time with this one!
  3. Talking about allll of the things in your life can be a lot, so it can be helpful to create a handful of content themes so that readers know what to expect from you.Example: Elise Cripe of Get To Work Book chats about DIY projects, gardening, home décor, goal setting, and of course… the Get To Work Book! (Which I love, by the way.) Despite being varied, she has a remarkably strong brand.
  4. Stop overthinking it… and just start creating content! Over time, you will start to see themes emerge – and you’ll naturally lean into what feels good to you. That’s key in building a genuine, sustainable brand.

Creating a strong brand is a long-term strategy, but it’s one that can truly elevate your business. It’ll help you stand head & shoulders above your competition, build your credibility, and work with the dreamiest of dreamy clients.




Sometimes you’re just too dang busy bringing home the bacon to sink hours upon hours into your social media. Meet our handy dandy marketing toolbox!

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As a creative entrepreneur, it is SO EASY to get sucked into the vortex of more, more, more things that you can do… and that often translates to shiny object syndrome, comparison, and lack of focus. Yuck. Here are three steps to help you stay focused on one idea, one product, one service, for long […]

I'm Doreen, and I know what it's like to scour blogs for the answers to my (many, many) questions. Much like yourself, I'm a scrappy, curious business owner.

There are less stressful ways to get your service to the people that need it most, so I'm here to bring you the practical, down-to-earth marketing advice that you need. 

Every day, I work with a team that shares my passion for helping you connect with your perfect fit clients — and every day, YOU inspire the crap out of all of us. Thanks for being here!