website design + pinterest marketing that gets clients knockin'

How to Quickly Amplify the Value of Your Offerings



When someone is considering purchasing your product or service, they’re going to pause and weigh the cost you’re asking against the benefits you’re promising. 

“What’s in it for me? Is it worth $9 to purchase this hair creme and have curly, shiny locks… or should I just live with it the way it is?”

“Should I spend $70 to have someone watch my kiddos so I can enjoy a romantic evening out with my partner… or do we let Netflix do the babysitting?”

It’s an exchange.

That’s a very important piece of the puzzle when it comes to marketing your products & services.

Understanding what motivates your dream clients to buy is crucial!

Consider this –

  1. Who is the dreamiest of your dream customers?
  2. What are her aims in life and business? How do you fit into the picture?
  3. Why should they care about what you offer? What’s in it for her?

Many of us fall into the trap of push marketing – getting our products out there constantly, running sales and promotions, and hoping that something sticks… but creating emotional value for your specific client is what’s going to set you apart. When you own a set of values and showcase a lifestyle that your clients can buy into, you move from a place of push marketing to pull marketing.

This is the first thing we consider when we create any sales copy.

When you consider the emotional aspect of what you’re offering, it suddenly becomes much, much more valuable – without you having to change a thing!

What are some ways that you can speak into the values of your potential clients?

So glad you asked! We keep this infographic handy at all times so we can always refer back to it to highlight specific values in our messaging! This was researched and created by Harvard Business Review… and it’s one of our favourite things.

You hang out with us because you want to grow your business, get rid of the overwhelm that goes with your marketing, and stop sucking your time without results. When we speak to the VALUE of having a life outside of your business (but still being able to make those dollar dollar bills) – you’re listening!

That’s because we buy with our hearts, not with our heads.

Lead with the value, and back it up with rationale.

Use the Elements of Value pyramid to supercharge your marketing & sales copy, improve your existing offerings… and of course, always, knock your clients’ socks off! ?

Ready to kick ALL of your content up a notch?

If you’re sinking ridiculous amounts of time into your socials, scoping out everyone else’s stuff for inspo, racking your brain for content on the fly, and not seeing a single extra dollar to show for it… we’re gonna bust out that sad trombone.

It’s time to start ENJOYING social media, because you know exactly what to post… and your audience is leaning forward in their seats to hear what you have to say next.

Build genuine connections with your readers and create a tight-knit, engaged community. All the parts of this are the best part, but that’s REALLY the best part. ❤






Sometimes you’re just too dang busy bringing home the bacon to sink hours upon hours into your social media. Meet our handy dandy marketing toolbox!


    When someone is considering purchasing your product or service, they’re going to pause and weigh the cost you’re asking against the benefits you’re promising.  “What’s in it for me? Is it worth $9 to purchase this hair creme and have curly, shiny locks… or should I just live with it the way it […]

I'm Doreen, and I know what it's like to scour blogs for the answers to my (many, many) questions. Much like yourself, I'm a scrappy, curious business owner.

There are less stressful ways to get your service to the people that need it most, so I'm here to bring you the practical, down-to-earth marketing advice that you need. 

Every day, I work with a team that shares my passion for helping you connect with your perfect fit clients — and every day, YOU inspire the crap out of all of us. Thanks for being here!