Looking for some Instagram caption ideas for December? ‘Tis the season… of joy and gratitude. What’s extra good right now? Of course you want to be real, but hopefully you can find loads of silver linings this December. Spread light — your readers need it.
- The majority of holiday shopping is happening online this year and your audience is going to be pumped about convenience and personalization, so if you can throw in some classy gift wrap or a handmade card go nuts!
- Your readers always want quick wins, but this month they’re all about saving time—so keep ’em brief for now! Pop in a few times a week with nuggets that’ll help a beginner out.
- Order deadlines are coming & going quickly, and if you need to unwind towards the end of the year it’s more than okay to take a break from social!
Before we dive in, let’s address the feeling of overwhelm that’s seeping into our lives right now. Social media can be a lot, especially in seasons like this—so it’s a perfect week to define a temporary new standard.
What’s the minimum you can do right now, and still achieve your goals for the next 4-ish weeks? Are you trying to grow? Sell? Maintain? Take it down a notch (or seven) if you can.
Yes, I’m all about consistency—but let’s be real, I’m also aware that burnout may be looming. You gotta do what you gotta do! Biggest hugs my friend.
Here are a couple of Instagram caption ideas you can use in December:
- “Wait! Don’t throw in the towel yet!”
If you have the capacity to help your readers out, be clear and let ’em know!
Don’t throw in the towel for 2022 just yet. There’s still a whole month left! The golden ticket to where you want to be is in [explain how they’ll achieve what they’re looking for]. Why not start today?
- Now Booking
Let your audience know how to work with you.
Now booking for [date]. [Share a little bit about your process.] Pssst…. prices go up in January so if you want to lock in 2022 rates, shoot me a DM by [date]!”
- Confession
What are your readers feeling low / guilty about right now? Share some encouragement and let your audience know it’s okay to feel that way right now. (The way to do this without being patronizing is to share YOUR feelings too.)
I’m DONE for 2022. Wrapping up a couple of things this week, but feeling all kinds of eager to vanish from the planet of [what you do] as soon as I can.
Do you like these Instagram caption ideas for December? You’ll LOVE hanging out with us on Instagram and in the toolbox!
Feeling overwhelmed by the content creation hamster wheel? Join the toolbox — we’ve got caption templates that’ll take your reader on a journey from curiosity right through to the sale… and you’ll knock out your content in a fraction of the time.
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Looking for some Instagram caption ideas for December? ‘Tis the season… of joy and gratitude. What’s extra good right now? Of course you want to be real, but hopefully you can find loads of silver linings this December. Spread light — your readers need it. The majority of holiday shopping is happening online this […]