
website design + pinterest marketing that gets clients knockin'

Spring Instagram Captions
Instagram Captions to Use this Spring
Instagram Captions to Use this Spring

Is it just me or are the months flying by?! Spring is right around the corner (in Canada anyways!) and we are here for it. With that in mind, here are some creative Instagram caption ideas to use this spring!

As we roll into this new season (and quarter), chances are you’re ready to take the next step to meeting those juicy business goals you set for yourself.


It can be tough to move social media followers to your email list — but when you remind them exactly what steps they need to take next, they’ll take action.

THANK YOU to all of you who are following along, double tapping, sharing, saving, and commenting on our posts. We appreciate you so much!

If you want to get a teeny bit more personal and to-the-minute, we also share weekly insights, [sales? mini challenges?], and our adventures (from “oh shit” to “aha!”) as we grow our business.

Link in profile. See you on the other side!


If you want folks to tap that little “…more” button on your post, it’s important to make sure you grab their attention with the first line. The best way to do that? Get into their heads. What are they struggling with right now? Empathize, present yourself as the solution, and call your reader to action. (This is exactly how my sales posts, emails, and pages are structured.)

“I don’t want to point and shake my booty.”
“I’m a tech dinosaur.”
“Who has an extra three hours a day just for reels? Not me.”

We get it. It feels like Instagram rolls out a new feature every third day. Keeping up is impossible. The good news is, you don’t have to. But if you’re curious about reels and want to try something new, your business will thank you.


What’s something that your perfect fit client might be tempted to do, but doesn’t pull the trigger on because she feels like it’s cheating? It might be hiring professional help. Maybe it’s using a stock photo. Or it’s throwing all of her laundry into one load. Let her know that it’s not cheating — rather, it is the perfect way to accomplish her goal and help her justify that decision.

Using stock photos is not cheating. It’s an easy way to have a professional looking feed that you can curate to show off your brand. If it’s a toss-up between a stock photo or a grainy, unlit photo of what you ate for lunch… well, we all know what we’d rather scroll through! My fave sources? @tag @tag @tag

There you have it! Three EASY TO USE Instagram captions to use this spring. 

If you’re still searching for more inspiration, drop into our marketing toolbox for more caption templates, story, and reel ideas or scroll through the blog to find fresh templates every month!

Is it just me or are the months flying by?! Spring is right around the corner (in Canada anyways!) and we are here for it. With that in mind, here are some creative Instagram caption ideas to use this spring! As we roll into this new season (and quarter), chances are you’re ready to take the next step […]

I'm Doreen, and I know what it's like to scour blogs for the answers to my (many, many) questions. Much like yourself, I'm a scrappy, curious business owner.

There are less stressful ways to get your service to the people that need it most, so I'm here to bring you the practical, down-to-earth marketing advice that you need. 

Every day, I work with a team that shares my passion for helping you connect with your perfect fit clients — and every day, YOU inspire the crap out of all of us. Thanks for being here!