website design + pinterest marketing that gets clients knockin'

3 Quick Tips for Writing That POPS on the Internet

Writing for the Internet is NOT like writing an essay for English class in 1999.⁠

Your words should be skimmable—paragraphs are okay, but make sure that you chunk out the super important stuff in bullet points or quick sentences.⁠ Be concise.⁠

We don’t want rigid, buttoned up sentences. We want to know there’s a human behind the brand, no matter how fancy it is.⁠

Write at a fourth grade level, even if your readers are super clever. Trust me, they read enough heavy stuff outside of the Internet. Nobody’s using a dictionary as a companion to social media so if you want to hold attention, keep it simple.⁠

(That’s right… we weren’t kidding when we said quick tips.)

Maybe your writing stinks like smelly cheese in a hot car. As an entrepreneur, there are a million things you need to be good at to succeed. Social media is one of those things. But if you hate writing and/or coming up with the visuals, we’ve gotchu. Take your writing from “meh” to “hey, I got a reply! this is working!” with templates and be done with it.

Writing for the Internet is NOT like writing an essay for English class in 1999.⁠ ⁠ Your words should be skimmable—paragraphs are okay, but make sure that you chunk out the super important stuff in bullet points or quick sentences.⁠ Be concise.⁠ ⁠ We don’t want rigid, buttoned up sentences. We want to know there’s […]

I'm Doreen, and I know what it's like to scour blogs for the answers to my (many, many) questions. Much like yourself, I'm a scrappy, curious business owner.

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