website design + pinterest marketing that gets clients knockin'

for female bossES
women who dream
do and inspire

Recently, I spent a fun hour getting attached to a potential new client on a discovery call. She’s smart as a whip, talented as heck, and needs a website. Perfect, right? Well, it was perfect… till we came to the budget part of the conversation. She was looking for something HALF the price of our […]

Recently, I spent a fun hour getting attached to a potential new client on a discovery call. She’s smart as a whip, talented as heck, and needs a website. Perfect, right? Well, it was perfect… till we came to the budget part of the conversation. She was looking for something HALF the price of our […]

fall cleaning mary poppins

Listen, I know running a business is a full-time job. Between clients, emails, and trying to figure out if you should’ve gone with the pumpkin spice latte or the apple cider donut (THESE ARE HARD DECISIONS OKAY), it’s easy to let your website stagnate. There’s no worse feeling than being embarrassed to send someone to […]

Listen, I know running a business is a full-time job. Between clients, emails, and trying to figure out if you should’ve gone with the pumpkin spice latte or the apple cider donut (THESE ARE HARD DECISIONS OKAY), it’s easy to let your website stagnate. There’s no worse feeling than being embarrassed to send someone to […]

Tired of the endless cycle of marketing with minimal results? I hear ya. Networking events, social media, and traditional marketing tactics often leave us feeling overwhelmed – and underwhelmed. You’re getting inquiries, but they’re often just tire-kickers who don’t quite understand what you do. Your website should be a lead-generating machine, working hard to attract […]

It’s 2 am and you’re googling what “keyword density” means. Or maybe you’re staring at a page on Neil Patel’s website – no shade, that guy’s a genius. But you feel like you’ve landed on Mars. 🤣 SEO is not easy. Don’t worry, it’s not just you. The truth is, you can go a LONG […]

I don’t know about you, but I’m a sucker for a good before-and-after. Have I spent more hours of my life than I should’ve scrolling through cleaning videos on TikTok? Yep. Am I weirdly obsessed with watching people organize things in rainbow order? Also yep. And is one of the best parts of creating custom […]

showit website screen capture of a massage therapy website

When Kim from WG Massage approached us about revamping her website for her massage therapy business, it was an instant YES. From our very first Zoom call with her, it was clear she’d be a perfect fit. Why? Well, for starters: Showit Website Design: The Backstory When Kim approached us, she was ready to throw […]

Owning and operating a creative business can feel like a rollercoaster of vulnerability. (I KNOW it’s not just me haha!) On one side, you’re on fire! Doing your best work — the stuff you were born to do. But on the flip side, um, you have to showcase your own brilliance through your brand’s digital […]