Some of you have lost your jobs. Some of you can’t get out there and do your job. Some of you have kids, and no childcare, and that makes your job really freaking hard. We hear you. We see you. If there is anything we can do to support you, please do not hesitate to reach out.
But! There is SO MUCH that hasn’t changed at all in the marketing game. What you do today is going to determine where your business is in 3, or 6, or 12 months. Here’s where to start –
Get your $$ straight.
Once you have a handle on that, you will have so much more headspace to do business-y things.
There is zero shame in applying for financial assistance. We’re all in this together, and when you physically cannot show up and do your job… that’s what it’s there for.
Here’s what’s available for Alberta, Canada business owners:
- Emergency isolation support (one time payment of $1146 if you’re home sick or caring for sick dependents, with no other source of compensation)
- Utility payment deferrals (you won’t be cut off if you defer your bill payment for the next 90 days)
- Student loans repayment deferral (zero interest on your student loans for the next six months)
- EI sickness benefits (up to 15 weeks of income replacement)
- Canada Emergency Response Benefit (up to $2K / month for workers without paid sick leave)
- Canada Child Benefit ($300 extra per kid in May) – no need to apply
- GST rebate increase (up to $400 for singles, $600 for couples in May) – no need to apply
- Eased rules for RRIFs (changes to required minimum withdrawals)
More info on Alberta website right here!
Reduce your expenses wherever you can. What subscriptions can you cancel?
Make a checklist of your monthly bills and commit to hanging out on hold for most of a day. Call all of your service providers and see what they can do for you.
(It’s great to do this once or twice a year regardless of your financial situation!)
Provide an impeccable client experience.
I know it’s tough to be proactive when you’re scared of cancellations, but your clients are much LESS likely to cancel if you reach out sooner rather than later. It’s up to you to take the lead on this conversation – don’t wait for them to take the initiative! If you haven’t yet, reach out to them. See how they’re doing and ask how you can support them.
Honeybook has some great email templates right here if you need a place to start, but a quick phone call would do the trick too.
Get organized.
Whether it’s systems in your business or a basic routine that’ll keep your days moving forward – get it down.
2020 might be a slow year, but 2021 will make up for that! Get systems in place to ensure that you’re prepared to take on all the work you can next year.
How can you make booking easier? How can you streamline your processes? What have you had on your to-do list for ages, but haven’t gotten around to?
Today is the day.
Show. Up. Online.
We understand that there’s only so much of you to go around, so if you’re at max capacity and don’t have it in you to create any content just yet take a beat on that.
But! That doesn’t mean that you can’t nurture your community! They are, without a doubt, spending time on social media right now… so meet them where they’re at.
Pop in for 10-15 minutes per day and chat with folks you’d love to work with or people working in a similar space to you. (And we don’t mean double taps and emojis – leave no doubt in people’s minds that you are not a bot!)
If you’re ready to post some content and you’re not quite sure where to start, the Social Shakedown will give you more ideas than you know what to do with. Here’s what’s in it:
- social profile audit for FB & IG
- 360° content brainstorm to help you establish your expertise, become a valuable resource, and build a memorable brand (no more cutting & pasting template captions!)
- a few hacks to make sure your sales posts actually get you dollars in your jeans
- engagement, story, and hashtag strategies and prompts
…but don’t get lost in the vortex of scrolling.
We have provided an AMAZING list of goodies to keep you occupied, productive, and thriving even in the midst of uncertainty right here. Do the things that your future self will thank you for.
Big hugs, friend.
Some of you have lost your jobs. Some of you can’t get out there and do your job. Some of you have kids, and no childcare, and that makes your job really freaking hard. We hear you. We see you. If there is anything we can do to support you, please do not hesitate to […]