website design + pinterest marketing that gets clients knockin'

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One of the biggest shifts I’m predicting in social media for 2023 is content that lives longer, so we can all get off of that dang hamster wheel. BACK TO BASICS. Let’s streamline things. It’s about time, amiright? First things first, QUIT creating content that’s going to expire in five seconds. That’s right. Instead, create […]

One of the biggest shifts I’m predicting in social media for 2023 is content that lives longer, so we can all get off of that dang hamster wheel. BACK TO BASICS. Let’s streamline things. It’s about time, amiright? First things first, QUIT creating content that’s going to expire in five seconds. That’s right. Instead, create […]

Fall is proof that change can be freaking BEAUTIFUL. Things may be a little topsy turvy right now, so leave room in your content plan for encouragement & inspiration… we’re going to need it! October is the perfect time for learning, resilience, and ending the year strong, so if that fits in with your offers, go […]

Fall is proof that change can be freaking BEAUTIFUL. Things may be a little topsy turvy right now, so leave room in your content plan for encouragement & inspiration… we’re going to need it! October is the perfect time for learning, resilience, and ending the year strong, so if that fits in with your offers, go […]

I know it feels like it’s a hot minute till the end of the year, but NOW (well, yesterday, really, but I get it — life gets in the way) is the time to prep for your Q4. Here’s a quick checklist for a less-stressful holiday season. SEPTEMBER nail down your promotions for this year […]

Remember the days when you could post your (poorly filtered) Costco hot dog on Instagram, without a caption, and get 30 likes? Yeah, me too. We didn’t know how good we had it. The platform has become a beast, but rest assured it’s still possible to reach new eyeballs and convert them into clients – […]

It can be tough to move social media followers to your email list — but when you remind them exactly what steps they need to take next, they’ll take action. Are you tired of your Instagram marketing? You’re constantly showing up because that’s what you’re “supposed” to do… but in the meantime, you are feeling […]

batch instagram reels

. Here are 5 steps to batching your Instagram reels. You know that Instagram reels can be a game-changer, especially since IG has voiced that they’re now favouring video content. What you may be stuck on though, is how to batch your Instagram reels so that you don’t spend hours every single day, trying to […]

Instagram Reel Mistakes

  We’re outlining 4 Instagram reel mistakes that are killing your views so you can stop wasting your time and start getting results. There’s nothing more frustrating then spending a ridiculous amount of time on an Instagram reel, only for it to flop. Yep. It’s happened to us too.  Here’s what NOT to do: be […]